12th NH Serende Band Logo

Part of the Northern New England Heritage Brass Association
A 501(c)(3) organization

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Band Contact:
Steve Gasiorowski, Manager Email: manager@12thnhserenadeband.org
12th NH Regiment Serenade Band Photo
12th NH Regiment Serenade Band at the 12th NH Regiment Memorial, Gettysburg

From the Gettysburg Monument

"The New Hampshire Mountaineers. This Regiment was raised in four days served nearly three years in the army of the Potomac and the James and lost in killed and wounded over 50 per ct of those engaged at Chancellorsville and Cold Harbor of its original number while in the service. It marched to this field on the night of the 1st, fought here on the 2nd and supported the center against Pickett's charge on the 3rd."
"July 2, 1863 Engaged 224, Killed 26, Wounded 73, Die of Wounds 6"
"Our union is river, lake, ocean, and sky. Man breaks not the medal when God cuts the Die

Band Contact: Steve Gasiorowski, Manager
Email: manager@12thnhserenadeband.org